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Requested translations - tatianajul

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Source language
თარგმანი მოითხოვს მხოლოდ ძირითადი აზრის გადაცემას.
Danish личное сообщение
"Kære Tatiana, tillykke med din aflevering - godt gået! Det må føles ret godt. Din tilpasning til tingene lød så sej, måske jeg skulle få mig et statistikkursus hos dig ved lejlighed, hehe. Altid humørbringende og inspirerende, at tale med dig.Stort knus fra Berlin, Nana.".
The British dialect

Completed translations
English личное сообщение
Source language
თარგმანი მოითხოვს მხოლოდ ძირითადი აზრის გადაცემას.
German Öffne dich!
Öffne dich!
Einerseits Zitat aus der Bibel, aus Markus 7,34. Soll als Motto auf ein Plakat und dort Männer und Frauen gleichermaßen ansprechen.

Completed translations
Russian Открой себя!
Polish Otwórz się!
Dutch Wordt geopend !
Turkish Kendini aç.
Portuguese Abre-te!
Italian Apriti
უკრაინული Відкрий себе!
Greek Κατά Μάρκον 7,34: Άνοιξε!
Source language
English Congratulations with the Bar Mitzvah of your son,...
Congratulations with the Bar Mitzvah of your son. You both worked very hard to achieve this. I hope the celebration turned out as you wished.
this is for me to be able to congratulate a good friend in spoken Hebrew with a very important occasion in her life. She will appreciate this a lot. thank you for helping us. The person addressed is female. I am unable to decipher Ivrit characters, so please transliterate in English, or write phonetically. thnx

Completed translations
Russian Повседневность
Hebrew מזל טוב
უკრაინული Вітаю Вашого сина
Source language
English Terms-of-use
Terms of use
Registration terms of use, to be agreed by the suer

Completed translations
Russian Условия использования
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